sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2017

BioEdge: Bioethicists: get rich quick!

BioEdge: Bioethicists: get rich quick!


Bioethicists: get rich quick!
Bioethics is a career in which financial rewards do not figure prominently. However, if you have made significant contributions to the fieild, here’s your chance to win US$1 million. One of the three 2018 Dan David Prizes will be awarded to “an outstanding individual or organization in any field of the humanities or social sciences who have transformed our understanding of the moral and ethical significance of biological and medical innovations in our times.”

The Dan David Prize is an unusual, but lucrative, prize headquartered at Tel Aviv University which promotes “innovative and interdisciplinary research that cuts across traditional boundaries and paradigms. It aims to foster universal values of excellence, creativity, justice, democracy and progress and to promote the scientific, technological and humanistic achievements that advance and improve our world.”

It is awarded in three different time dimensions: past, present and future. Each year features different topics. The 2018 prize for the “present” will be in bioethics.

There is a catch, however. Ten percent of the prize must be donated to postgraduates in order to enrich the field.

The Prize was inaugurated in 2001 by Romanian-born Israeli businessman and philanthropist Dan David. Past laureates include: Yo-Yo Ma, Tom Stoppard, Al Gore, Tony Blair, the Coen Brothers, Robert Conquest and Marvin Minsky.

Nomination forms are available here

Saturday, September 23, 2017

There is a gap in the Nobel Prizes: there's no award for bioethics. There is the Nobel Peace Prize and the Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology. Both of them touch on bioethical issues in some fashion, but only tangentially.

True, some Nobel laureates have provoked bioethical controversies. The 1918 laureate in chemistry, Fritz Haber, was “the father of chemical warfare”. The 1956 laureate in Physics, William Shockley, was interested in eugenics and sterilizing people with IQs under 100. The 2010 laureate in Medicine, Robert Edwards, developed IVF. James Watson, the 1962 laureate in Medicine, was interested in designer babies. António Egas Moniz, the 1949 laureate in Medicine, developed the frontal lobotomy.

However, the time has come. As reported below, the 2018 Dan David Prize, worth US$1 million will be awarded “to an outstanding individual or organization in any field of the humanities or social sciences who have transformed our understanding of the moral and ethical significance of biological and medical innovations in our times.”

It appears that this will be the last time that the Dan David Prize will be awarded for bioethics. So it’s a great opportunity. Send us your nomination, with a brief explanation. If we get enough entries, we will publish them next week.

Michael Cook
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